Sunday, September 16, 2012

Classroom Decor

This year I decided to change up my classroom. I'm in a portable classroom so I tend to get a little claustrophobic. Ha! I decided to lighten things up by sanding & painting my bookshelves and decorating with bright colors. I chose a really cute theme from Creative Teaching Press. You can purchase Dots on Turquoise here.

Classroom library

Word Wall

Writing Center

Add caption

Reading & Language Arts
And of course my classroom is complete with pics of my kiddos!


I just uploaded a voice level management tool on TPT. It is FREE! Download and enjoy it in your classroom.


 I will be adding more products as I finish them. I have a lot of products under construction.

The Talented Teacher Cafe Grand Opening!

Welcome teachers! I have looked at so many education blogs over the last few weeks in preparation for starting my own. I have to say that teacher blogs are a great way to collaborate with teachers from all over the world. I will try to post at least twice a month and will also feature other teacher bloggers that I'm getting to know. Thanks for stopping by!